
Monday, September 24, 2012

International Day of Peace

Friday, September 21st was International Day of Peace.  OLSH students grades 1-4 participated in the project pinwheels for peace.  Grades 5-8 painted peace rocks and installed them outside arranged as a peace sign.

This was a great project to start off the school year and bring the students of OLSH together for one goal--PEACE.

Please check out the photos below.  For more informational on Pinwheels for Peace, check out their website:

Friday, September 21, 2012

My Very First Post

Hello Everyone!

I finally did it.  I created a blog.  My intention is to have a space to show off my students' artwork and share all of their hard work.

I am new to this so please feel free to email me with and kinks in my blog that you come across.

Stay tuned for photos and updates!

Ms. James